Yunye Gong


Ms. Yunye Gong is a fourth year Ph.D. candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University. She joined Cornell ECE in Fall 2013 after receiving her bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Yunye has received the Google Ph.D. Fellowship in Machine Learning in 2017. Yunye’s full CV is available here.

Research Interests

Yunye’s current research interests are in image processing and understanding with primary applications in structural biology.

In particular, she is interested in using statistical modeling to reconstruct 4-D (3 spatial + 1 temporal) trajectories of nano-scale biological machines (such as viruses and ribosomes) directly from large sets of Cryo-electron microscopy image data.



  1. Y. Gong, D. Veesler, P. C. Doerschuk and J. E. Johnson, “Effect of the viral protease on the dynamics of bacteriophage HK97 maturation intermediates characterized by variance analysis of cryo EM particle ensembles”, Journal of Structural Biology, vol. 193, no. 3, pp. 188-195, 2016.
  2. P. C. Doerschuk, Y. Gong, N. Xu, T. Domitrovic and J. E. Johnson, “Virus particle dynamics derived from CryoEM studies,” Current Opinion in Virology, vol. 18, pp. 57-63, 2016.
  3. Y. Gong, and P. C. Doerschuk, “3-D understanding of electron microscopy images of nano bio objects by computing generative mechanical models,” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Proceedings, pp. 3161-3165, Phoenix, AZ, Sept. 25-28, 2016.
  4. Y. Gong, and P. C. Doerschuk, “Determining fluctuation in bio-nanomachines from electron microscopy images,” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Proceedings, pp. 262-265, Quebec City, Canada, Sept. 27-30, 2015 (Lecture presentation).
  5. N. Xu, Y. Gong, Q. Wang, Y. Zheng, and P. C. Doerschuk, “Characterizing heterogeneity among virus particles by stochastic 3D signal reconstruction”, Proceedings of SPIE Optics Engineering +Applications, Image Reconstruction from Incomplete Data VIII, vol. 9600, pp. F1-F11, San Diego, CA, Aug 9-13, 2015.
  6. N. Xu, Y. Gong, Y. Zheng, Q. Wang,  and P. C. Doerschuk, “3-D statistical characterization of the heterogeneity of biological macromolecular complexes by electron microscopy”, Optical Society of America, Signal Recovery and Synthesis (SRS) in Proceedings Imaging and Applied Optics, STu3F.4, Seattle, WA, July 13-17, 2014.